Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stand and Deliver

The movie Stand and Deliver  was cool and there was a lot of problems.The thing I hated of Stand and Deliver is that does test people were razes. They were razes because they are a sucky school and people that come from bad neighborhoods they can't learn and pass something so difficult that what they thought.The part that I like is that they proved that they can learn and didn't cheat. They thought they cheated because they thought that are bad and are so low can't go up but they did it. The thing that was   cool was that they pass and did it  and they had a good teacher.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


The TAKS is going to be really easy. It is goin to be easy because I am ready and know everything I have to know.I want the TAKS  to come already for I can do it. The TAKS is going to be boring because is going to be queit.I am excited because is going to be easy.I am nervous because it could be hard but I said that I can do it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Kids that have iPads is really cool because you can work better on a iPad.In the iPads you can work faster and learn more. The bad thing is that kids can get in bad websites. The good thing is that you dont have to sharpen pencil and or carry a book. The other bad thing is that is you can break the screen or the iPad.It is really cool having a iPad.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My game progress

I have done a lot of progress in my game.I went in flash to make more thing on my game and to make my game better.I look on the wiki for tips for help. I want to make my alien touch the smoke and get points.I am really proud because I made my alien move and make the page move too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Game

  • Intro screen: Aliens Vs People                                                       TeamIntroduction: Miguel and Dezearea                                                                                 Audience: I am making my game for people that want to play it and for the contest.                                                                                 Game play: The player is a alien and you go and destroy the factory's and make the bad people good  people. The goal is to make it to end and send the alien home.                LearningGoal:He will learn to not polluted and to not dirty are planet.                                                       

  • Fun Factor: That you can shoot the bad people and can dodge the smoke.                                                                                                          Smart Factor: That polluting is hurting are planet.                                                                                       Style Factor:I will use 2D and 3D images and the sound it going to be a scary sound and cool  sound.                                                                                               Originality Factor:My is special because it teaches you stuff and it is really fun and it will sell because it is a good game that teaches you stuff. 
  • Monday, April 11, 2011

    Cool Games

    The game that I played kips score.My game doesn't have timer because you take your time.There are cool noises and songs. There is no scrolling backgrounds.I will find something that pops the other things and put effects on the guy that shots the balloon. The one that helps you with effects and make you pop the other things.

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    What I did this week

    On Monday I work on my game and made my alien move. On Tuesday I work on the game and made my  a movie scene. Then a made the page move to the other page. Then I  help people with their game. Then in Friday I  was making this blog

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    President Obama

    Obama  should come visit are school because we are the only ones here that have Globaloria. Are school has a lot of topic that Obama would like some of are topics. He would like the kids to because where really good at are subjects. He should come and see how we work on are work. We try are best here so we are cool and awesome and all of us are smart.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011


    Blogging is good for us because it helps you be a better writer. Blogging is good for people because It helps you take out your feelings and what you have inside you. Blogging is good for you because it made me a better writer. Some disadvantages about blogging is that it could be bad sometimes and said stuff that you not sop post to said. So blogging is really help so, so I will tell the guy to not take it off.