Friday, December 13, 2013

Hour of code 2

Well this whole week  I been working on how to make objects move from one side to another.I also learned to make it come back.I have been spending like three days on this work.I have found new codes to help me out, with moving the objects.The other thing I learn was to make an other object catch the other object is really easy.I learn it fast and easy the wiki helps you.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hour of code

In the video I saw three people I know.One of them the are president,hes been are president ones, and now its his second time president Obama.The other person was the famous basketball player Chris Bash.The other famous person was a singer Shakier.They were trying to encourage us to program because its a important thing to do and it can help you in life and I would have in advantage because I know something that the other person do sent and I can help with the websites or help them with anything that is relative to computer or design.It is important because it can help you get a job and make you rich by making games or other stuff that relates to computer science. Us knowing about computer science is good because it can help us gets jobs or change the world to make it a better place.Well in the future what is someone need help with computers I can help cause I studied it.

Monday, December 2, 2013


I felt really good about how a drew my background.I tried to make it look as good as possible, I wanted it to look real,fun,and good for lots for people can play it and like it.My background is a restaraunt where is just all fast food,and that people that eat there are obius or not healthy because of the food they sell there.So my background is a mcdonalds place because mcdonalds is one of the badess fast food places.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Making paper prototype

My paper prototype is about a restaraunt and how you have to find healthy food.It helps me more because i can draw what i want it to look like.Then a can take a picture of it and trace it for it can be easier.It helps because i can draw better with my hand then the computer.My paper prototype is easy to trace, so its gonna help alot to make it in flash.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My topic

I like my topic because it is a great idea to make a game out of it.It can help alot with all the people.There is alot of people that need to eat healthy are world is messing up just because of junk food.They eat junk food cause is more cheaper then healthy food.I say they should make healthy food cheap.So i pick this subject because is really interesting to work on and its gonna be fun.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hidden object games

The games I played today were fun.I like hidden object games because it takes you time to find the games and they time you.So like that is really hard I have to play it like 4 or 5 times to win all the other times I lose into i get it.I learn about the Indians time and what they used at that time.They used arrows,cross bows,and this type of axes.The ideas it gave me for my games was that i can make my a hidden object games with a timer for it can be really fun and it will be hard to win the game.The other idea was that I could make it about anything like Indians time or Greek time or anything I would like it to be that what I learn.

Friday, October 4, 2013


You can get help by searching up information in the search botton.You ask your members about it or talk to them online to help you what watever you need help with.So you can just ask for help or go look in the wiki like there alot of information to help you with your game.I would find out how to do stuff and then i would show my members and help them make there game fun.

Monday, September 30, 2013


The game is called pollution blaster.It teaches me to keep the water clean and not let oil get in it.Yes it did it help alot it help me learn that oil is bad for the oil.Yes it was i like it  but they had to put music it or something for it cannot be boring.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Some of the stuff is recycled by they melt it down and make new shapes out of it or make other things with it.You throw it in a recycling bend or you keep water bottles and stuff and reuse them all over.We can makes recycling bends and through everything we can recycle.The other way is to reuse the stuff we use more or just wash it again.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

tech trash

what is tech trash?Tech trash is a lot of technology that is throw away and they don't know what to do with it they only collect it.
How does the trash negatively affect the environment?
It pollutes the environment and some of the chips they use to make give out radiations.
what does the article explain about people looking for solutions?
People said that instead of throwing it away they should keep it and keep using it into it do sent work no more.
what can you do to help keep tech trash from polluting the community?
I can buy or keep the old stuff they throw away and use it cause it still works or i can give it to people that need a computer and cant afford one.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How this year is different from last year

This year is way better then last year.This year is different because i changed and i got way better at soccer.Now i am in a soccer team that's alot and i have lots of fun in it.This year i have more friends and i starting to do my work and not get in trouble i ha vent gotten in trouble this and thats really good.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

  • The Big Idea: Describe your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn? 

  • Making Decisions as a Team: How did your individual ideas from "Imagining Your Game" come together for your team game topic? 

  • Roles & Responsibilities: Talk about your team process. Describe your specific roles, and how you work together.

  • Research: What kind of research went into the way you will express the game topic? What sources are you using and how do you know they are reliable? 

  • Impact: Could the messages in the game concept or images in your game demo offend anyone? If so, how can you avoid this?

  • The User Experience: Explain the game play. What actions does the player take in the game? Has this changed since you first started planning your game? Why? 

  • Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Team topic

The reason my team pick hound rescue and animal abuse is beacause  we like animals and we care for them and animal protect us so we need to protect them.We decided to pick this topic because it is really interesting and everybody loves animals.So we all agreed to choose this topic because we say we can make a really cool game with this.So this is a link that talk about animals and animals that need help

Monday, January 7, 2013

i wanna make a game about this because you have to learn the importants about animals and how we need to protect them and to help them.
I wanna make a game about this because the kids need help and to show people how important it is for kids to go to college and have a great life.