Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Playing to learn part 2

The game I like was Zeigeist because it was fun and it had cool graphics.It shows you about the old ages.The game is awesome it fun and its for kid that are old enough to play.I want to learn how to make the character move and shoot and i want to learn how to make clouds move up and down.The game that was boring was the flood escape.It didn't show you nothing and it was really weird because you keep on losing and it dosen't show you nothing.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Present your hidden object game

  • My topic is about a forest and stuff that are bad for the forest are not supposed to be there.I want them to learn that the forest is a place to go make houses or go with cars is a natural place and your not supposed to mess with the animals habitat.
  • I researched about the hunger games  and what not supposed to be in the forest.That it bad polluting  the forest because its someone else is home.
  • My ideas got cooler like they changed because I wanted to make my game look cooler and awesome, so now my games shows stuff that really pollutes the forest.
  • The wiki as help me allot and the timer and the score are the best ingredients I had there awesome.
  • The one where you had to trace and I got help from the teacher and I learn how to trace and add the code.The best thing I like about my game is that I finish it and i finish tracing it and the score works.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Add hidden objects

The problem I  had when I had to make a layer for every single little thing.At first I put everything in one layer and it sucked because i had to do it all over again is was really hard.The other problem was when I had to had the codes and some of them didn't work so i had to keep on trying into I got it right and then i would have to put the right information.Then it got really easy and I finish.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My hidden objects

This is the first time i have done hidden objects.It was awesome and cool but hard because sometimes I had to go back and fix stuff.My  hidden objects are draw by me and there awesome.The next thing I want to had is the score and the timer for my game can be awesome.So yeah it was hard but not that hard.After a will it got easier and easier.So my hidden objects are cool and just wait  for my game to be done.

My background

When I started drawing my background it was hard because i had to trace it and I hate tracing it.Then it started to get easy and my background started to look good and awesome.My background is a forest and is not that cool but is fun to play.The hard thing was to color in the little spaces but then I did.My background is done and awesome and its was draw ed by me and it was hard.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Paper prototype

My  paper prototype it help me a lot. It help me by knowing how to do it write and how i want it to be.So my drawing is awesome and  I drew amazing stuff.Its really cool you should go look at my drawing.It help a lot now i know how i want my paper prototype and I don't have to think about it.So my game is gonna be done faster and i want it the same as the paper prototype.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My vision

My vision for this games is gonna be really cool.It gonna be in a forest and your gonna have to find object in the forest that not supposed to be there.I gonna put stuff to hide the other things that your supposed to find.So my game is gonna be awesome.There gonna be like 2 levels and the second level is gonna be harder  then the first.So my game is gonna be really cool.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Choose a learning topic

I choose this topic because its really fun and cool.I like it because you have to look for objects.It is challenging that why its so easy to make.Then you have to look for the objects and it could take you a wild or not at all.So This is why i like this topic.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Game

I learned  allot of stuff like how to make a game fun and make it entertaining not boring.I will make a game that u have to find stuff and collect them.I have lots of ideas  now so my game  is gonna be awesome.I really like the games but some of them were boring and needed better stuff.So now i know how to do mine.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to school

My first month of school has gone so great is awesome. I love it because i get to see my friends again and the thing i hate is that they got new teacher so that sucks.I  love having two physical education  classes is really fun.Some of the classes i don't get is boring and some i just to hard. So it been great and i love it so far is awesome.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A marathon is when a lot of people run and try to run like 26 miles.Some do it for fun and other ones will do to win or beat there record and just lose wait.The one that the old man keep on trying and trying to beat his record and about the from Kenya and i like the one that they went to Boston.

Friday, May 11, 2012

My game

My final game is about a kid that has to run away from the bullies and catch all the  star and make  it on time to the finish.I really like about my game was how the kid has to run from the bully and past the level.That makes the game really fun.The other thing is that the stars help you with points and shinny and disappear when you touch them.The other thing i like is the color of my game and the color t-shirt and the color of the diagnose.The thing that i hate is that when you fall down and die and sometimes you don't even suppose to die and you do.The other thing i hate is when the game mess up and stops the game.The other thing i hate is when some of the people cliche and stop working.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final Game Reflection

I have learn with my best friend Sabrinah Hernandez how to move a hero and get points in are game,we learned how to make a really good game.I   have gotten better this year at putting the codes in and making them work and where to find the right codes with my best friend Sabrinah Hernandez.Yes I got really good at solving problems,it got  so easy for me.That alot of kids kill them self for getting bullied.That the game this is fun and that it want boring like I though.I work better with a team that how we finish everything fast and it easier because if your alone your gonna have to be doing to things at a time.I think sometimes i need help but not always i need help.Yes I figure out i am really good with computers it got easier for me.That I learned how to make a game and i can make a game when ever I want to.Making a whole game with two levels that was the hardest.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Platform Game Project

I have enjoyed this project because it has showed us something stuff about Flash.It is fun because were making are own game and I learned how to move my character.We had to copy the codes and then fix them  it was really fun and a little difficult. I have made my jump and i have made it move but it still goes through the floor.My least favorite thing is that we sometimes do really difficult stuff and it gets hard but i don't give up.This stuff is not that challenging and sometimes it is but it happens and you have to try. So I still have to fix it but it fun making your own game.It really fun and I like it because it shows us cool stuff.Like making it move,adding animations, and making are own game.I work hard on this because I want to win that game championship thing.So I want I really cool game.I like doing this stuff and you should try it to its fun.

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Idea

I learned a lot of stuff of oil spills.I learned that they are spilling oil in the gulf of Mexico. They should stop because they are killing the fishes.I learned this when I was researching facts about it and looking at pictures about. It happen when a pipe breaks in the ocean or when that big tube dumps bad oil in there.The wiki and google help learn more about it and the websites that  the teacher gave us.It trustworthy because its really happening and its really bad and we should fix that because if we don't animals could die or go ex tint.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My holiday

In my holiday I celebrated Christmas. It was fun because my whole family came and i got cool presents.I got a skateboard and some drawing tools and some clothe.In 2012 I want to get better grades and be better and  nicer.