Monday, November 26, 2012

Present your hidden object game

  • My topic is about a forest and stuff that are bad for the forest are not supposed to be there.I want them to learn that the forest is a place to go make houses or go with cars is a natural place and your not supposed to mess with the animals habitat.
  • I researched about the hunger games  and what not supposed to be in the forest.That it bad polluting  the forest because its someone else is home.
  • My ideas got cooler like they changed because I wanted to make my game look cooler and awesome, so now my games shows stuff that really pollutes the forest.
  • The wiki as help me allot and the timer and the score are the best ingredients I had there awesome.
  • The one where you had to trace and I got help from the teacher and I learn how to trace and add the code.The best thing I like about my game is that I finish it and i finish tracing it and the score works.


  1. For me the timer was also my best ingredient for my game.I think that there are many harmful things that hurt the forest.

  2. I think that your Learning Topic is a great choice. Teaching others about not to harm forests is an amazing thing , because in reality it does happen and I'm glad you made a game about awareness of it. I also thought that it was very cool that you researched The Hunger Games , great resource & all I can say is that your game sounds great and I can't wait to play it :)
