Friday, January 20, 2012

New Idea

I learned a lot of stuff of oil spills.I learned that they are spilling oil in the gulf of Mexico. They should stop because they are killing the fishes.I learned this when I was researching facts about it and looking at pictures about. It happen when a pipe breaks in the ocean or when that big tube dumps bad oil in there.The wiki and google help learn more about it and the websites that  the teacher gave us.It trustworthy because its really happening and its really bad and we should fix that because if we don't animals could die or go ex tint.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My holiday

In my holiday I celebrated Christmas. It was fun because my whole family came and i got cool presents.I got a skateboard and some drawing tools and some clothe.In 2012 I want to get better grades and be better and  nicer.