Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nature Shots

When I went to take my nature shots I went straight to the big tree.The big Tree shows so much passions to nature because its huge and it would be a good picture.After that we took a picture of the leafs that were falling and some were brown but the rest of them were green.I enjoyed this project because we finally took picture of the mother earth.Good picture come from nature shots and good pictures come from all natural substances.

William Henry Jackson

William Henry Jackson was a famous American painter and he was a veteran.He was born in New York on April 4,1843 and he died in June 30,1942.In 1869 Jackson won a commission from the union pacific to document the scenery along the various railroad routes for promotional purposes .He was assigned to take yellow stone pictures.He was the first one to take pictures on the National Park of Yellow Stone Park.Image result for william henry jackson

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tension Blog

I like to take picture of jumping in the air.My girlfriend was laughing at me when I jumped because I had a really funny face expression.My photos show me in the air and there more that she took of me when I am running.That project was interesting because I learn how to take multiple pictures in one click.This picture catch all the movement of the person,like for example when I starting running it shows how I started running and how I ended running.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Raymond Thopson Jr

Raymon is a interesting photographer because he takes photos of alot of stuff.Like for example he takes pictures of people bonding and getting along.Then he takes photos of the bad life,like people doing stuff there not suppose to and people smoking and looking like there about to fight.This photo shows the sky and how there a person swimming is really interesting.The kid looks happy.I think its when he was in a neighborhood.Do people just let you take pictures of them?
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cat & mouse

In the Cat and Mouse project I took pictures of my girlfriend.Shes the best model there is.What we did was get back to back and then take 3 steps forward.Then after that we turned around and took photos.we have to move around,like I had to move three steps and my girlfriend two steps.The photos we took were amazing photos I like it.This project was one of those creative ones and you have to be creative with your shots.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Gween Dubourthoumieu

Image result for Gwenn Dubourthoumieu

Gwenn Duborthoumieu became interested in 
photography while he worked in Africa for humanitarian. In 2010, Gwenn decided to pursue his commitment as photographer in Democratic Republic of the congo.He realized documentary works pn social and human rights issues, and covered news as photo correspondent for the french press agency until December, 2011.His photos are really weird  because it just shows kids with guns.But his photos are really interesting because it shows how Africa is.