- The Big Idea: Describe your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn? That he should save the animals and to tell them to not spill oil into the ocean because its bad.
- Making Decisions as a Team: How did your individual ideas from "Imagining Your Game" come together for your team game topic? How did your team decide the topic? We decided it when we heard what was happenning in the Gulf of Mexico and how the animals where dieing.
- Roles & Responsibilities: Tell us more about your team process. Please each talk about your specific roles, and how you work together.I am artist and Rudy draws the pictures and Beto is the programer.
- Research: What kind of research went into the way you will express the game topic?
- We had to see how oil spills started and how oil was killing the animals.
- The User Experience: Explain the game play. What actions does the player take in the game? Has this changed since you first started planning your game? Why? He has to go and fix the pipes and save animals and fix the pipe before it explodes and no we have not change the game ideas.
- Mastering Flash: What Flash resources have been most helpful in your learning so far, and why? How did you locate these resources?The c 5.5 one and because it has a lot of gallets and stuff and the teacher put it on all of the computers.
- Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty? Choosing a topic because there a lot of cool stuff you can choose and there is some topics that are really difficcult.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Special Video Blogging Assignment
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sentence Starters
I am writing my game for people who are between 8 and 30 years old. The person who plays my game must be able to To use the computer. Since my topic is action the player must already know about using the mouse .
My players will learn about the details of my topic, such as aliens and how to get to there ship. The environment for my game will look like your in space. This setting will add to the learning of my game by seeing how space look like. The environment of my game will help the player learn by how space is.The player will need to use their knowledge of thinking in order to win the game.
A game is a better way of understanding my topic than a quiz because it is easy and dosent have questions.
My players will learn about the details of my topic, such as aliens and how to get to there ship. The environment for my game will look like your in space. This setting will add to the learning of my game by seeing how space look like. The environment of my game will help the player learn by how space is.The player will need to use their knowledge of thinking in order to win the game.
A game is a better way of understanding my topic than a quiz because it is easy and dosent have questions.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Darfur is dying
I learn that people over need help because they are killing them.That is not cool why would they do that to tribes?Then they tell the gourmet and they don't do nothing.To show what they do to them and how they do with different ability.Yes some run faster,some run slower and the lady run slow because she carries more water and the kids carry like half of the water the mom carries.They make it like that because in real life some do go faster and some do go slow and if you go to get water they may rape you or kill you and may abuse you.Yes it tells me people die for food and they die for water and that not cool why would they kill them and rape them.Why would they kill little kids?This was included in the game because this happens in real life and they put it in there to see what happens and how they get water.They get attacked by a team called Janjaweed.For people can see what is happening over there and for they can help.Yes I want to help them and I would like to send for or water and I really want to help them.Here is a website about Dar fur is dying.Here is another link that talks about it and tell you information is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_is_dying. Here are some pictures about what is happening over there in Darfur.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is really cool because he was the first one to make a apple.IT was awesome he made the Pod and IPhone.That is really great I have a Pod and if he haden made dose stuff we would never have Pods and cool computers.Without Steve Jobs we would not have cool movies like Toys Story and does other pixar movies.Without him we would not have Pods and movies and we would not have a mouse for the computers.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Playing To Learn
I played BrainPoP GameUP it is a action game and it is really fun and it shows you about bacteria.You had to be a bacteria killer and not let any bacteria past you and destroy the body.I like this game, I want to make one just like this and you learn and its really fun.It has good color, good intructions, and good pictures.How do you make the good guy move with the mouse? Where did you make this game?You can look it up in Playing To Learn and try it you will like.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Be The Change
It felt great helping the community and it was fun.We had to put dirt on the trees and separate the dirt.We got some sodas and donuts.It made me feel great about myself and i help out does trees and does trees need are help because they give us oxygen.I will like to attend service projects like about outdoors and that its really fun.I want to help out and have fun, so i want to do something fun and cool.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mini Game
Doing a mini game wasent hard, it was really easy.The best park about my mini game is when i finish it.When i finished it is was so cool because it felt like i was playing in cool math.The worst park was drawing the animals.It was hard because we couldnt copy.That is why it was so hard.I like doing a mini game because you had to do it yourself and without help and you know that without help it shows you more.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The children of Heaven
The family was about a kid that help his mom and got food for them.He went to go fix is sisters shoes and then he went to go get vegetables,when he was getting the potatoes her sisters shoes disaperer.So the girl had to use his shoes.Then he got in this race and third place was sneakers,so he told his sister he was gonna win third place for her.So he went to the race and her won first place and then he was all hurt and sad because he didnt get the sneakers.His dad had gotten some shoes for them and so the girl got shoes and also the kid.
The film didnt fit my single story because this people were nice and good people.This people were really nice and Ali was a good student and had good grades.That muslims help and take care of there people when sick and some muslims dont have enough money.Ali was a nice and helpful person because he help his mom when she was sick and got good grades and when he lost his sisters shoes he went to go look for them.He didnt find them so he let her use his shoes.
Here is a link about the people of muslim.Here are some tips or details of Islam.Here is where they talk about both Islam and Muslim.
The film didnt fit my single story because this people were nice and good people.This people were really nice and Ali was a good student and had good grades.That muslims help and take care of there people when sick and some muslims dont have enough money.Ali was a nice and helpful person because he help his mom when she was sick and got good grades and when he lost his sisters shoes he went to go look for them.He didnt find them so he let her use his shoes.
Here is a link about the people of muslim.Here are some tips or details of Islam.Here is where they talk about both Islam and Muslim.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
In 9/11 Osama Benlastin send some people to jack some plains.The terrorist got on the plains and took them to places and killed a lot of people and it the twin towers.It was sad a lot of people died and all the whole community help and look in the towers that got crash to see if people were a live.Then the other plane was send to crash the pentagon and it did it didn't kill that much people but it did a lot of damage.The other plane was heading for the capital but the passenger herd about the crash of the twin towers. So the passenger did not let them hit the capital and so they made the plain crash in crops.The passenger save innocint lives.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Single Story
A single story in a community is when they talk about there stereotype or about other people. It is when they talk about your age, gender,where you live and compare you.They said that in the east side is poor and people that live there cannot get and education and they turn into bad people.The thing that is wrong is that we people that live over here can get a education,can do anything so that was missing in the story.You can find out more by asking people about the east side.I have heard that in the west side there is a lot of white people and they get whatever they want.It is not true there is some Hispanic or Latinos in the west side and they do not get whatever they want.You can find out more about it by asking people about the west side.A game can tell people that this is what happens and stuff. They get to learn the true and that thing can happen who cares how it looks.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Cyber Bullying
That Cyber Bullying is when somebody is telling you bad stuff in the computer and messing with you.When somebody is Cyber Bullying you can block them or you can tell an adult about it.Then you tell tell the window master guy and he can erase the guys profile.I have seen somebody get bulled online and the guy was telling the other person that he was something and other stuff.She could of told the window master and told him this person was messing with him and then he would of erased the persons profile.
Monday, August 15, 2011
My first week of school was really fun i met new people and saw old friends and it was fun.I was nervous because there was new people and i was excited and happy to see my old friends.The classes are fun but some of them are boring like science and social studies.The teachers are cool and fun but some of them are mean and boring.I have all my old classmates and some new people cool and not cool.I am not nervous or scared of nothing its cool here.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson was a really cool movie. Everybody though Percy took the lighting bolt. So at the end he found it in his shield. The one who put it there was Luke and he wanted to give it to Hates.At the end he gave it to Zeus and saw is dad. Percy killed Luke and he was the son of Poseidon.He didnt still the bolt and he save the day and the world. I really liked the movie.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Barcelona bite Manchester United
I watched the game and Barcelona made the first goal.Manchester made the second goal and they were tied up.I liked Manchester and I was going for it because it has all my players.The thing is that I go for Barcelona to and I like that team a lot.Then at the end Manchester sucked because of there defense and because they always left there golly alone.So the game ended and the winner where Barcelona and they were the Europe's champions and they won by 2 points so it was 3 to 1.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Apollo 13
Apollo 13 is about astronauts that get stuck in space and it is a really great movie. It started when they broke a tube.Then the energy was not working so there was not that much oxygen. When they breath in oxygen they breath out carbon dioxide. So it was getting fill with carbon dioxide and so they made something that traped all the carbon dioxide. Then they made it to earth and the space craft was almost burn up and the people were really sweating a lot.I like the part when they were burning up and they made it to earth.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Lightning Thief
The Lightning Thief is about a kid called Percy Jackson and he is in a school called Yancy Academy.They go to the museum and then he gets in trouble. So the teacher called to go inside with her and she turned into a ugly monster.I accidentally vaporize my Pre-Algebra Teacher. So then he gets out of school and goes to the bus station and then the Grover goes with him and he said he had to protect Percy Jackson . So then the bus stops because something happen to the bus and so Percy Jackson saw three old ladies making socks.The one in the middle cut the yarn and Grover was acting really weird.The ending is really great and the movie too, so you should read the book it is not boring.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Barcelona is my favorite team.It is a awesome team, it has alot of good players and have the best player in the world.Barcelona is like the best team in Spain and are really cool.I like Barcelona because they know how to give good passes. When they are losing they always come back and win and they don't give up.This is a link of Barcelona.
Monday, May 16, 2011
This year in globaloria!!!!!
My experience working in a team was kind of easy because we work together and finish everything fast.There was sometimes that were hard times because sometimes we didn't agree of the same thing.I was proud when my teammate and I made the alien move side to side and up and down.I was proud when I made the alien touch the smoke and grave it and get points.I learned about myself that I can do it and don't give up because I can do anything.That polluting is really bad and can kill animals and people.I learned how to move the alien and how to do it.I learned to do your best because you can accomplish anything.I learned to make the buttons to go to the next level or to play.The most thing I learned is how to do a game and to make a game.
Monday, May 2, 2011
My friends
My friends are Christian,Jose,Rudy,Natalie,Dezarae,Juan,Estefanie,and Alehandra. Christian been my friend along time ago and he likes red and he is really smart sometimes.Jose is really tall and is big and his favorite colors is red and green.Rudy is really funny and cool and he likes spongepop or elmo.Natalie is cool and stupid sometimes and likes red.Juan likes blue and is my best friend aand is really cool. Dezerae likes green and gets really crazy sometimes and smart too.Estefanie and Alehandra are really funny and smart and like a lot of colors and are really cool.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Stand and Deliver
The movie Stand and Deliver was cool and there was a lot of problems.The thing I hated of Stand and Deliver is that does test people were razes. They were razes because they are a sucky school and people that come from bad neighborhoods they can't learn and pass something so difficult that what they thought.The part that I like is that they proved that they can learn and didn't cheat. They thought they cheated because they thought that are bad and are so low can't go up but they did it. The thing that was cool was that they pass and did it and they had a good teacher.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The TAKS is going to be really easy. It is goin to be easy because I am ready and know everything I have to know.I want the TAKS to come already for I can do it. The TAKS is going to be boring because is going to be queit.I am excited because is going to be easy.I am nervous because it could be hard but I said that I can do it!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Kids that have iPads is really cool because you can work better on a iPad.In the iPads you can work faster and learn more. The bad thing is that kids can get in bad websites. The good thing is that you dont have to sharpen pencil and or carry a book. The other bad thing is that is you can break the screen or the iPad.It is really cool having a iPad.
Friday, April 15, 2011
My game progress
I have done a lot of progress in my game.I went in flash to make more thing on my game and to make my game better.I look on the wiki for tips for help. I want to make my alien touch the smoke and get points.I am really proud because I made my alien move and make the page move too.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My Game
Monday, April 11, 2011
Cool Games
The game that I played kips score.My game doesn't have timer because you take your time.There are cool noises and songs. There is no scrolling backgrounds.I will find something that pops the other things and put effects on the guy that shots the balloon. The one that helps you with effects and make you pop the other things.
Friday, April 8, 2011
What I did this week
On Monday I work on my game and made my alien move. On Tuesday I work on the game and made my a movie scene. Then a made the page move to the other page. Then I help people with their game. Then in Friday I was making this blog
Thursday, April 7, 2011
President Obama
Obama should come visit are school because we are the only ones here that have Globaloria. Are school has a lot of topic that Obama would like some of are topics. He would like the kids to because where really good at are subjects. He should come and see how we work on are work. We try are best here so we are cool and awesome and all of us are smart.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Blogging is good for us because it helps you be a better writer. Blogging is good for people because It helps you take out your feelings and what you have inside you. Blogging is good for you because it made me a better writer. Some disadvantages about blogging is that it could be bad sometimes and said stuff that you not sop post to said. So blogging is really help so, so I will tell the guy to not take it off.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
What Ever It Takes
It is about a girl that has low grades and cant pass. She has low grades and she doesn't know. Kids in that school where failing all there classes. The girl went to camp and it help her. She pass the test and got a degree.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Diary of the Wimpy Kid
The author of Diary of the wimpy kid is called Jeff Kenny. The main character is Greg a student that wants to fit in with the school but can't. For his birthday his mom gave him a special present, it was a diary, she said is for writing every secret he has. He didn't like the name because he said diaries are for girls so called it a journal. Greg went to school and found out about the CHEESE TOUCH. If you got touch by the person who touch the cheese then you got the cheese touch and you pass it on. The school principal wanted him to be safety patrol so he did. He then got fire becuase he lied to the principal saying it was all Radley's fault. Also, he wanted to fit in so he join an after school club which was wrestling. He got to fight with a girl and he said you can't hit a girl. So what happend is that he got beatten by the girl. At the end of the story, Radley and Greg went back to being friends and he didn't care if his Bff was the class clown. All he care about was his Bff.
The Game
My game was about a blobs. There were different colors. Like red, blue, green, purple. You get points by make the blobs bigger or smaller. The title is Blobs.
The Wizard
The Wizard is about a kid that can play games. He is really good at playing games. His name is Jimmy and his twin sister died. He loved his sister a lot and wanted to go to California to live a picture of her were they took the picture of. He won 50,000 dollars in the contest and he traveled with a girl and a boy.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Spring Break
In Spring Break I am going to make a party for my birthday.Then go fishing or go to the lake to get wet.Then go visit my cousins and my family in Waco. I am going to stay home too and take care of my animals.It is going to be really fun and cool.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
In 5 years I'm going to be 17. I am going to be in high school. In 12th grade or 11th grade. In 10 years I will be in college and in my last year of college. In 15 years I will be 26 and have a wife and children. I'm going to have a car and a big house.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Paper Prototype
By making a paper prototype it help me now how to make my game and how to make the drawings and plan it. You make a paper prototype by making a Title page and then a loading page. It takes alot of work to make a paper prototype. It is like making a real game. Then you make a instructions page and then scenes.
Friday, March 4, 2011
This weekend
This weekend I am going UT. I am going to have alot of fun. It is going to be cool because I am going to see my friends. UT is a big place and were going to see everything.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Malcom X
Malcom X was trying to help African Americans by freeing them and to be fair and no valients.Malcom X got married with Betty. He had 6 girls because when he died the wife had 2 more and when he was alive he had 4 girls.They still celebrate Malcom X birthday in May 19.
They first shot him with a big gun that shot really fast and then shot him with pistols. The people who killed him went to jail for 49 years or more.They use to bit up African Americans and they used dogs too. When Malcom X died in 1965.
They first shot him with a big gun that shot really fast and then shot him with pistols. The people who killed him went to jail for 49 years or more.They use to bit up African Americans and they used dogs too. When Malcom X died in 1965.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
More Thoughts on Globaloria
They are the same because I think technology is cool and computers too. I have a lot of technology in my house. I have a computer and TV at home and more stuff. I use the computer to play games and the website is primary games. I like use technology a lot in my house and at school like in this class.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Globaloria Reflection
1. One thing I have learned in Globaloria is that how to make a paper prototype and how to make a good game.
2. My favorite thing about my Globaloria class is that we are going to make a really cool game.
3. I think being in Globaloria now will help me in the future because it could help me make a lot of money by making games.
2. My favorite thing about my Globaloria class is that we are going to make a really cool game.
3. I think being in Globaloria now will help me in the future because it could help me make a lot of money by making games.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1. Describe your team's game topic and talk about the most important concept you want your players to learn.
Our topic is Global warming is the pollution or the heat of the fossil fuels, I want my player to not pollute or use the car a lot and to save are earth.
2. How did the ideas you discussed in "Imagining Your Game" come together to help your team decide on a game topic?
I change it because I could make a better on and had to agree with my partner.
3. Tell us more about your team by saying who has what role, and how you work together.
My role is to draw all the players and my partners role is that she writes how to play.
4. What kind of research did you do to find information to express the game topic? Examples: books, films, web searches....etc.
We found research on wikipedia and the newspaper and the television5. Explain the game play. What does the player have to do?
The player has to pick up trash and not make people liter.
6. Has this changed since you first started planning your game? How?
Yes because I got better Ideas and better drawings and other stuff.
Our topic is Global warming is the pollution or the heat of the fossil fuels, I want my player to not pollute or use the car a lot and to save are earth.
2. How did the ideas you discussed in "Imagining Your Game" come together to help your team decide on a game topic?
I change it because I could make a better on and had to agree with my partner.
3. Tell us more about your team by saying who has what role, and how you work together.
My role is to draw all the players and my partners role is that she writes how to play.
4. What kind of research did you do to find information to express the game topic? Examples: books, films, web searches....etc.
We found research on wikipedia and the newspaper and the television5. Explain the game play. What does the player have to do?
The player has to pick up trash and not make people liter.
6. Has this changed since you first started planning your game? How?
Yes because I got better Ideas and better drawings and other stuff.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mad Hot Ballroom
The massege of Mad Hot Ballroom is that the key to success in life is to find something that you love to do and are good at it and to do it very well.You can be watever you want to be because is your chosse. You can be a lot of stuff like a cop, doctor, and a teacher. The good thing about it is that you have to be good at it. That is the main messege of Mad Hot Ballroom and you can achieve your goals that you have.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Austin Park and Pizza
In Austin Park I had alot of fun. I ate pizza over there and one some prizes. I got in alot of rides. Some of the rides were go cars and other rides and games.
Malcolm X
It about African Americans that got didn't along with white people. When Malcolm was little his dad got killed by white people. The white people that live there didn't wanted them there and they broke all there windows. Malcolm robbed houses. He went to jail for laying down with a white girl.
Mad Hot Ballroom
Mad Hot Ballroom is about schools competing by dancing. Each school is a different color. One school makes it to the finals and it was the pink group. They practice a lot every day and like to dance. They do it every year.
Oregon Trail #2
1. What did you learn from playing Oregon Trail?
That how people survive and get diseases and how they travel.
2. What did you like most about the game?
About new diseases
3. What did you like the least about the game?
About the rivers
4. What are some ideas from the game that you could add to your own game? Please think of at least two. The pictures and colors and Ideas too.
That how people survive and get diseases and how they travel.
2. What did you like most about the game?
About new diseases
3. What did you like the least about the game?
About the rivers
4. What are some ideas from the game that you could add to your own game? Please think of at least two. The pictures and colors and Ideas too.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Oregon trail
1.Who do you think this game was made for?
2. What does the player see and do?
he going in a adventure to make to Oregon
3. What are the rules and how do you win?
the rules is to make it to the end and to survive and not get sick
4. What is the goal of the game?
To make it to the town Oregon
5. What will the player learn by playing this game?
how to survive and how to make it to Oregon
6. What makes this game fun for the player?
when you hunt animals
7. What kind of graphic/animation are in the game?
old graphics and 2D graphics
8. What kind of sounds are in the game?
funny sounds and wierd sounds and like bip,bop
9. What makes this game special and unique?
it different then other games and you are pantient is because they teach you a lot of stuff, like to go to Oregon
10. Why will it sell?
It will because they teach you stuff and it wont sell because it get boring
2. What does the player see and do?
he going in a adventure to make to Oregon
3. What are the rules and how do you win?
the rules is to make it to the end and to survive and not get sick
4. What is the goal of the game?
To make it to the town Oregon
5. What will the player learn by playing this game?
how to survive and how to make it to Oregon
6. What makes this game fun for the player?
when you hunt animals
7. What kind of graphic/animation are in the game?
old graphics and 2D graphics
8. What kind of sounds are in the game?
funny sounds and wierd sounds and like bip,bop
9. What makes this game special and unique?
it different then other games and you are pantient is because they teach you a lot of stuff, like to go to Oregon
10. Why will it sell?
It will because they teach you stuff and it wont sell because it get boring
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
percy jackson & the olympians the lightning thief
Percy is a kid that goes to this high school and has problems. One day they went to this museum and they saw a lot of stuff about gods. Then they went to eat outside and this girl said that he pushed her into the water so the teacher said to meat her inside. So he went inside and he couldn't find the teacher and he look behind him and there was the teacher turned into a horrible monster. So then he finds out about him and he goes to this camp called half blood and he is a half god. So then they train him and people are trying to find him because people think he as Zeus lighting bolt and so there trying to kill him for it. He goes in a journey to find that lighting bolt. There is more exciting thing but I cant tell you, you have to read the book. This book you can get it at a library. I want you all to read this book because is a good book and it is exciting.

Bad People
Today in are Globaloria class we were bad because it took us 10 minutes to get ready and go to her blog. We are not going to play the game no more because we were really bad. My behavior was bad in Globaloria class and I was laughing and playing around. We wasted to much time gating to her blog and for playing around. I should know better then that , so we can improve are behavior by acting properly and going faster.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
My Future
In my future I want to be I cop. I think that it would take a lot of work to make it to that job. I am going to have to wake up early and stay up late. I will live in a big house. I am going to have a cop car and a gun and other weapons.I want to be a cop because I want to keep people save and have a cool car.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Working in a group is really hard because sometimes you don't now them or they have different plans they you do. Some advantages is that if were in a group we can finish faster and we can make are plans better. Some disadvantages is that sometimes you don't like your partner and some times you have different ideas. It is really cool being with a partner because you don't have to do all the work. Sometimes you don't have to think of all of the ideas by yourself.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
About My Characters
Nauj in spaceship and comes down here to earth to find his long lost friend that is called Juan and he met him 2 years ago. So he lands on earth and the air is so dirty so that means that cant leave earth until the earth is clean enough. So he goes to help the humans close down some factories because they are the ones are polluting the air the most. He has to fight through all the bad guys to close the factories.
Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?
Who - The character you just created.
Where - Where does the action take place?
in his home planet and earth
When - When does the action take place?
on his birthday
What - What is the problem the character is facing? (bullying, environmental, - this is where your topic goes)
Global warming
Why - Why is this issue important to your character?
Because clean air is the only way to go home to his planet
How - How is your character going to overcome this problem?
By helping the humans clean up earth and shut down factories.
Where - Where does the action take place?
in his home planet and earth
When - When does the action take place?
on his birthday
What - What is the problem the character is facing? (bullying, environmental, - this is where your topic goes)
Global warming
Why - Why is this issue important to your character?
Because clean air is the only way to go home to his planet
How - How is your character going to overcome this problem?
By helping the humans clean up earth and shut down factories.
1.What is the name of your character?
2. What is the age of your character?
3. Does your character have any pets? If so, what kind and how many?
1 a alien dog
4. Does your character have any brothers or sisters?
yes 2 brothers
5. What does your character look like?
tall,flat hair, green
6. What hobbies does your character have?
he rides a space ship
7. What other interests does your character have?
girls, sports and space ship
8. What does your character like to do the most?
Go to different planets
9. What is your character’s least favorite thing to do?
stand still
10. What are your character’s beliefs?
he believes in ALIENS
11. Is your character outgoing or shy?
12. Do other people enjoy being around your character?
13. What does your character like to do in his/her free time?
Go ride the space ship
14. Does your character like to read short stories or books? If yes, what kind of short stories or books
does your character like to read?
15. Does your character like to write short stories or books?
16. Is there any other information about your character that you need to know?
2. What is the age of your character?
3. Does your character have any pets? If so, what kind and how many?
1 a alien dog
4. Does your character have any brothers or sisters?
yes 2 brothers
5. What does your character look like?
tall,flat hair, green
6. What hobbies does your character have?
he rides a space ship
7. What other interests does your character have?
girls, sports and space ship
8. What does your character like to do the most?
Go to different planets
9. What is your character’s least favorite thing to do?
stand still
10. What are your character’s beliefs?
he believes in ALIENS
11. Is your character outgoing or shy?
12. Do other people enjoy being around your character?
13. What does your character like to do in his/her free time?
Go ride the space ship
14. Does your character like to read short stories or books? If yes, what kind of short stories or books
does your character like to read?
15. Does your character like to write short stories or books?
16. Is there any other information about your character that you need to know?
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Games
To improve my game I will make a new game. Make better drawings and maybe make them 3D. Make better colors and mix colors together. Make a new game but it has to be about global warming.
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Pact
I learned that you can accomplish your dream and can make it to college. I didn't make any connecting with the movie but other people may.Which college did they go to? When did the started this? and when did they make the movie? This movie is important to me because it can help you make it to college and who cares where you live you can accomplish your dream.
Friday, January 14, 2011
What I learned this week
This week I learned how to make paper prototype and how we can help schools that are getting closed down. They want to close them because they need money or to save money. We watched a lot of videos how to make paper prototype and it is how your game is going to be. I finish 3 pages of my paper prototype and it easy because we know how are game is going to be. We have a game that has aliens on it and there are going to be purple. We were making a game and telling were the seeding is going to be and a page that saids about my game and my friend and its said how it going to be.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Knights of the lunch table
The book I am reading is Knights of the lunch table, the book I am reading is fun and cool. It is about this kid that moves into this new school.They give him a locker that is curse. If you open it, it gives you what you want. He opens it and there is nothing in it, then he is going to lunch and he finds lunch in it. It is a good book and it is cool.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Winter Break
My winter break was fun because I got alot of presents and we pop fireworks. I am glad to be back because I missed my friends and it was boring too. My cousin it scared of fireworks because he pop one in his hand. I got a ripstick and cloth , shoes and a helmate.
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