Friday, November 12, 2010

Into the arms of strangers

In 1933 they changed the cities flags and new cloths. People were moving city's and states, they only send the children not the adults. Hitler was destroying a lot of stores, towns.They took people out of their house,some people got killed, and bit up.They burned up a church. Hitler army were killing Jewish people and Jewish church's. They traveled in a train to England, or plains. All parent promised the kids that there were going to go were they were going. They said that they should ask the England people to help get there parents back. They went in boats and they said that the oceans were beautiful.People came to take children. 300 kids came every day. A lot of families picket girls and boys too. they made a girl to a servitor, to clean and take care of the house, she went because she wanted to be with her brother. A lot of people died in the war.He got help from this Germany person, that live in it street, he learned English from this guy. Kids went to orfenishs. People liked school a lot and people learned English in schools. Kids send leaders to there parents and parents to kids. She tried to find jobs for her parents and she found people that gave does jobs. Her mom was a cook and her dad was a gardener. The war had stated and the kids couldn't  send letters to her parents. War stated and kinder transports was over.

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